He Doth Think… The Feminine.. 

He Doth Think… The Feminine

He once wrote, “me doth think she protests too much…”

How these words resonate before me as a sympathetic witness of women today

The self-prostration and judgments they inflict upon themselves

I am that an animal, in their presence

I am merely a witness. I am easily confounded 

A burden of misused symbols, a history of injuries to our hearts and minds

Whoever told you were less than, not enough, or needed to do more is not Loving you

If you listen to their voices, you are not Loving yourself.  Listen to your truth and have faith

Some men subverted the mythos to justify the subjugation, and she would have none of it

Cast off your self-doubts

Be the Loving Grace to yourself. That same Grace you give to us daily

For all the power of the universe in you

As this symbol of the earthly grace of creation manifests 

Realize you are arriving at Knowing

The time has come, for He doth know that your Grace is the value that leads to your salvation.. and His.  

About the author

Born in Texas, I'm presently living in the northwest.

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